
How To Add Author Name In Excel

The time has come to tell you most different types of document properties, the ways of viewing and changing them in Excel 2019, 2016 and 2013. In this article you'll as well acquire how to protect your certificate from whatever modifications and remove personal data from your Excel worksheet.

Practice you lot remember your feelings when you lot just started to use Excel 2016 or 2013? Personally I sometimes felt aroused when I couldn't find the necessary tool or option at the place where they were in the previous Excel versions. This is what happened to the document properties in Excel 2010 / 2013. In these last two versions they are hidden deeper, only it won't take you much fourth dimension to dig them out.

In this article you lot volition find a detailed guide how to view and change the document properties, protect your document from any modifications and remove personal information from your Excel worksheet. Let's go it started! :)

  • Types of document backdrop
  • View document properties
  • Change document properties
  • Remove document properties
  • Protect document properties

Types of certificate backdrop

Earlier starting to learn how to view, modify and remove document properties (metadata) in Excel, permit's clear upward what kinds of properties an Office document can accept.

Type i. Standard properties are common to all Office 2010 applications. They comprise basic information about the certificate such as title, subject, author, category, etc. Yous can assign your ain text values for these backdrop to brand it easier to notice the document on your PC.

Type 2. Automatically updated properties include the information about your file that are controlled and changed by the system such as the file size and the fourth dimension the certificate was created and modified. Some properties that are unique to the document at the application level such as the number of pages, words or characters in the certificate or the version of the application are automatically updated by the document content.

Type 3. Custom properties are user-defined properties. They permit yous to add other properties to your Role document.

Type 4. Properties for your organization are properties specific to the organization.

Type 5. Document library properties refer to documents in a document library on a Web site or in a public folder. A person who creates a document library tin gear up some document library properties and rules for their values. So when you lot want to add together a file to the certificate library, you have to enter the values for any backdrop that are required, or right any properties that are wrong.

View document properties

If you don't know where to discover the information about your document in Excel 2016-2010, here are three ways to do it.

Method 1. Bear witness the Document Panel

This method allows you lot to run into the information about your document correct in the worksheet.

  1. Click on the File tab. Yous switch to the backstage view.
  2. Choose Info from the File card. The Properties pane is shown on the correct-mitt side.
    Here you can already see some information about your document.
    Choose Info from the File menu to display the Properties pane
  3. Click on Properties to open the drop-downward menu.
  4. Choose 'Show Document Console' from the carte.
    Choose 'Show Document Panel' from the properties drop-down list to display the panel

    It'll automatically take you lot dorsum to your worksheet and y'all'll see the Document Panel placed between the Ribbon and the working surface area as on the screenshot below.
    The Document Panel is placed between the Ribbon and the working area

Every bit y'all come across, the Document Console shows a express number of properties. If you're eager to know more almost the document, move to the second method.

Method 2. Open the Backdrop dialog box

If you can't find the necessary information in the Document Panel, have the Advanced Backdrop into utilise.

The starting time way to brandish the Advanced Backdrop is correct from the Document Panel.

  1. Click on 'Document Properties' in the pinnacle-left corner of the Document Panel.
  2. Choose the Avant-garde Backdrop option from the drop-downwardly list.
     Click on 'Document Properties' in the top-left corner of the Document Panel and choose 'Advanced Properties'
  3. The Properties dialog box will show upwards on the screen.
    Click on the Summary tab to see the information about your document

Here you can see general information nigh your document, some statistics and document contents. You can also change the document summary or ascertain additional custom properties. Practice you want to know how to do it? Be patient! I'll share it with you a bit later in this article.

There is one more style to open up the Properties dialog box.

  1. Go through the first 3 steps that are described in Method 1.
  2. Choose 'Avant-garde Properties' from the Properties drib-down carte.
    Choose 'Advanced Properties' from the properties drop-down menu to open the properties dialog window

The same Properties dialog box will appear on the screen as on the screenshot above.

Method 3. Employ Windows Explorer

One more than piece of cake way of displaying the metadata is to use Windows Explorer without opening the worksheet itself.

  1. Open the folder with Excel files in Windows Explorer.
  2. Select the file you demand.
  3. Correct-click and choose the Properties pick in the context carte du jour.
    Right-click on the file and choose Properties
  4. Move to the Details tab to view the title, subject, author of the document and other comments.
    Click on Details to see the information about the document

At present you know different ways of viewing the document backdrop on your PC and I am certain you'll observe the necessary information without any problems.

Modify document properties

Earlier I promised to tell you how to modify the document properties. And then when you view backdrop using Method one and Method 2 described to a higher place, yous can immediately add the necessary information or right invalid data. As for Method 3, it's also possible if yous don't accept Windows 8 installed on your computer.

The quickest manner to add an author

If you need just to add together an writer, at that place is a very quick mode to do it correct up in Excel 2010 / 2013 backstage view.

  1. Go to File -> Info
  2. Move to the Related People section on the correct side of the window.
  3. Hover the pointer over the words 'Add an author' and click on them.
    Move to the Related People section to add an author
  4. Type in an writer's proper noun in the field that appears.
  5. Click anywhere in the Excel window and the proper name will be automatically saved.
    Type in a new author's name in the text field

You can add as many authors as there are working on the document. This quick method tin be also used for changing the title or adding a tag or a category to the document.

Change the default author name

Past default, the document writer proper noun in Excel is your Windows username, but this might non properly represent you. In this case you should change the default writer name so that Excel will utilize your proper proper noun afterwards.

  1. Click on the File tab in Excel.
  2. Choose Options from the File menu.
    Choose Options from the File menu to display the Excel Options dialog window
  3. Select Full general on the left pane of the Excel Options dialog window.
  4. Motility down to the Personalize your re-create of Microsoft Function section.
  5. Blazon in the proper name in the field side by side to User name.
  6. Click 'OK'.

    Type in a new name in the User name text box to change the default author name

Define custom properties

I've already mentioned that you tin define additional properties for your Excel document. Follow the steps below to make it real.

  1. Navigate to File -> Info
  2. Click on Backdrop on the correct side of the window.
  3. Select 'Advanced Backdrop' from the drop-down list.
  4. Click on the Custom tab in the Properties dialog box that appears on your screen.
    Click on the Custom tab to define a custom property
  5. Cull a name for the custom property from the suggested list or blazon in a unique one in the Name field.
  6. Select the information type for the property from the Type drop-downward list.
  7. Type in a value for the holding in the Value field.
  8. Press the Add push as shown beneath.
    Choose a name, type and enter a value to add the custom property

    Note: The value format must meet your selection in the Type listing. It means if the chosen data type is Number, you accept to blazon in a number in the Value field. Values that don't match the belongings type are saved every bit text.

  9. Later you add a custom belongings you can see it in the Properties field. Then click 'OK'.
     Click Add to see a new custom property in the properties field

If you lot click on the custom property in the Properties field so printing Delete -> OK, your just-added custom property volition disappear.

Change other document backdrop

If you need to modify other metadata, except the author'due south name, title, tags and categories, you have to do information technology either in the Document Panel or in the Properties dialog box.

  • In case the Certificate Panel is open in your worksheet,you simply demand to set the cursor in the field you want to edit and enter the necessary data.
  • If yous've already opened the Properties dialog box, switch to the Summary tab and add together or update the information in the fields, click OK.

When you get back to the spreadsheet, whatever changes you made will be automatically saved.

Remove document backdrop

If y'all need to cover up your traces left in the document then that nobody will see your name or your organization name in the document properties subsequently, you lot can hide any property or personal information from the public using i of the following methods.

Make the Document Inspector work

The Certificate Inspector is actually used for checking the document for subconscious data or personal information, but it can help you to remove the properties that you lot aren't going to share with others.

  1. Navigate to File -> Info.
  2. Find the Ready for Sharing department. In Excel 2013 this section is called Inspect Workbook.
  3. Click on Check for Issues.
  4. Choose the Ispect Document pick from the drop-down menu.
    Click on Inspect Document from the Check for Issues drop-down menu to open the Document Inspector
  5. The Document Inspector window will pop upwardly and you tin tick the issues yous want to expect at. I'd leave them all selected though we're most interested in checking 'Document Properties and Personal Information'.
  6. When you lot make your pick, click Ispect at the bottom of the window.
    Select the issues that you want to check in the Document Inspector window

    Now yous come across the inspection results on your screen.

  7. Click on Remove All in each category yous're interested in. In my case it's Document Properties and Personal Information.
    Click on Remove All in the necessary category
  8. Shut the Document Inspector.

So I'd recommend you to salvage the file with a new name if you lot desire to keep an original version with the metadata.

Remove metadata from several documents

If you want to remove backdrop from several documents at once, use Windows Explorer.

  1. Open up the folder with Excel files in Windows Explorer.
  2. Highlight the files you need.
  3. Right-click and choose the Backdrop option in the context menu.
  4. Switch to the Details tab.
  5. Click on 'Remove Properties and Personal Information' at the bottom of the dialog window.
    Click on 'Remove Properties and Personal Information' to open the Remove Properties dialog window
  6. Select 'Remove the following properties from this file'.
  7. Tick the properties you desire to remove or click Select All if you desire to remove all of them.
  8. Click OK.

    Tick the properties to remove

    Note: You can remove any document property from the file or several files using this method, even if yous have Windows 8 installed on your computer.

Protect document properties

Protection of document properties and personal information is used in example you don't want other people to change any metadata or anything in your document.

  1. Go to File -> Info.
  2. Click on Protect Workbook in the Permissions section.
  3. In Excel 2013 this section is named Protect Workbook.
  4. Cull the Mark as Final option from the drop-downwardly card.
    Go to the Permissions section to protect the workbook
  5. Then y'all'll be informed that this document version will be final so that other people won't be immune to make any changes to information technology. You need to agree or press Cancel.
    Click Ok to mark the workbook as final

If you desire to allow some people alter the worksheet later all, you can set a password for those who want to change something in the document.

  1. Stay in the backstage view. If yous are out of the backstage view and back to the worksheet, click on the File tab again.
  2. Choose 'Save As' from the File carte du jour.
  3. Open the Tools drop-down list at the bottom of the Save As dialog window.
  4. Select General Options.
    Select General Options from the Tools drop-down list to set a password
  5. Enter a password in the Password to modify field.
  6. Click OK.
    Enter a password in the Password to modify field
  7. Reenter the password to ostend it.
  8. Click OK.
    Reenter the password to confirm
  9. Choose the folder where you'd similar to relieve the document and press Save.

    Now your document is secured from unwanted editing. Only be conscientious! People who know the password can easily remove it from the Password to modify box thus letting other readers change the information in the worksheet.

Wow! This post has turned out to be long! I tried to cover all the bases that business concern viewing, changing and removing the certificate properties so I hope you'll discover proper answers to the sore points involving metadata.

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