
How To Add Gift Card Balance To Venmo

Venmo is 1 of the most popular online payment services, founded in 2009. Various transaction options that brand information technology easy to send and receive money from friends and family are a hallmark of this make. But accept you ever wondered how to add together a souvenir card to Venmo? Adding credit cards is a walk in the park, merely gift cards might be a flake of an issue – that's why I've explained the entire process in this text.

A person holding a phone with a Venmo app open on the screen

To add a gift carte to your Venmo account, open your app and go to Settings, then choose Preferences. Click on Payment Methods, and and then cull Add Bank or Carte du jour. Now, all you need to do is press Carte and enter the details of your gift card. Once you're done, click Add, and the gift carte will exist added to your Venmo account.

The procedure takes merely a few moments, and I've gone through everything in detail in the text below. Hither you lot will also find some useful data about using souvenir cards on Venmo.

How to Add a Gift Bill of fare to Venmo – Here'due south a Step-By-Footstep Explanation

You lot have received a overnice footling souvenir card from a beloved family member or a friend, and you want to add together information technology to your Venmo residue – merely how? Sure, credit cards are no big bargain – but gift cards tin cause defoliation because in that location are so many of them available. They can exist from different brands, reloadable or non-reloadable, and one might (rightfully) get lost in all that. With this quick caption, you won't have whatsoever problem with your souvenir cards in the hereafter.

First and Foremost, Y'all Need to Have Your Venmo Account

Evidently, we can't talk about anything unless in that location is a set account in your proper noun. If you oasis't made it yet, don't worry – it's easy. Get the Venmo app on your phone or head to Venmo on your desktop browser. The account requires entering your personal data and choosing a password. So, you volition be sent a verification lawmaking to your telephone number or email – enter information technology, and your account is at present all set.

Adding a Gift Menu Takes But a Few Clicks

Let'due south take a expect at the steps for adding a gift menu. In one case you're done, y'all will be able to use the coin from the gift card as your Venmo balance – paying online or even in person is actress convenient with Venmo. Yous tin fifty-fifty pay impact-gratuitous in stores with your QR lawmaking.

So, here's how to make this happen – if y'all're using your desktop, the steps are elementary. Yous will commencement need to sign in to admission your business relationship. Then y'all should look for Edit Payment Methods in the menu and click Add Debit or Credit Card. Now, enter the gift card's details and click add – that's it. The steps are a bit different on the mobile app:

  • Step one – Open your app and click on the bill of fare in the lesser left corner.
  • Footstep 2 – Press Settings, look for Preferences, then click Payment Methods.
  • Pace 3 – Click on Add Depository financial institution or Card, and cull Card.
  • Footstep iv – Enter carte details or browse the card with your camera.
  • Pace 5 – Click Add, and your gift card money will be added to your Venmo residue.

Which Gift Cards Can Be Added to Venmo?

When it comes to gift cards, the possibilities are endless, simply exist warned – Venmo won't accept every 1 of them. The brands of souvenir cards that will be accepted are Visa, Discover, MasterCard, and American Limited. Also, keep in mind that in that location are some gift cards that are designed specifically to be used at certain merchants and can't exist used on Venmo.

Reasons Why the Bill of fare Might Not Work on Venmo Even After You lot've Successfully Added Information technology

Permit'due south say you lot take a Visa gift carte du jour and y'all've successfully added information technology, but you lot tin't use that money for whatsoever Venmo transactions – what could be the reason? First, the issue with payment could be a lack of funds on the prepaid menu. Likewise, Venmo tin sometimes flag gift cards for fraud prevention, then y'all'll need to contact them to resolve the issue.

A person typing something on the laptop while holding a credit card

Pros and Cons of Adding a Gift Card to Venmo

While in that location are many benefits to using your gift menu this way, could there be something you're missing? Are in that location no downsides to using souvenir cards on Venmo? To arrive all simple, I've written down all the pros and cons for y'all to decide – everything is in the tabular array below.

Pros Cons
This is a safer way to pay online transactions than using a credit carte du jour This payment method isn't recommended for large transactions, just modest purchases
You tin can use the coin from the gift card virtually anywhere – in that location are no restrictions Some gift cards come with high fees that volition make Venmo transactions not worth it
Your friends and family tin can refill your gift card at any fourth dimension Sending money to the gift menu from someone'due south Venmo tin can have a few days

Does It Work the Other Way Around – Tin Yous Return the Money From Venmo to Your Souvenir Card?

Good news – if you need your money dorsum on the souvenir card, you tin send it back with no problems. While using Venmo gives you more flexibility, it's good to know that you tin can get the coin back to the carte in case y'all need it. However, keep in mind that these transactions can take up to a few days.

A person holding a credit card

Venmo Tin can Be Quite Helpful When It Comes to Managing Your Coin – Why Non Apply All of the Benefits That It Offers?

Equally y'all have probably realized already, Venmo offers y'all plenty of benefits and makes managing your finances easier. It offers a unproblematic way to transport money to your close friends or family members, and now you know that you lot can add gift cards to your Venmo remainder – so why not utilise the opportunity?


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